Smart Tech fatigue putting consumers off buying, research finds

Smart Tech fatigue putting consumers off buying, research finds

Millions of consumers are being put off purchasing Smart Technology for their homes due to feeling overwhelmed with the products currently available on the market, new research has found.

Despite two-thirds of UK homeowners already owning at least one piece of Smart Tech, many are hesitant about purchasing more due to being worried about cost (43%), the wealth of devices on offer (39%), their ability to correctly install the products themselves (39%) and potential security risks (37%).

Detailed in the Homes Unhooked PR and Marketing Report, released by Unhooked Communications, the research also shows that despite concerns, more than half of people hope to buy new Smart Technology for their home in the next 12 months. Drivers for purchasing include increased convenience (16%), enhanced security (15%), to improve energy efficiency (15%) and to create a customised home (8%).

Topping the list of planned purchases are Smart Doorbells (23%), Smart Lightbulbs (18%), external cameras (17%), Smart Plugs (14%) and alarm systems and locks (13%).

Claire Gamble, MD of Unhooked Communications, said: “With technology advancing at such a rapid pace, it’s an exciting time for businesses manufacturing, supplying and selling Smart Home products and services. Although many people are embracing tech for the home, some are too overwhelmed by the choice and worried about issues such as integrating and using the devices, security and cost. Understanding these concerns can help marketing teams to tailor their messaging and develop content.”

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