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UK office workers hopeful about the ‘promise’ of digital, despite mixed res...

New research from Citrix has revealed that while the majority (76%) of UK office workers experienced changes to both their workplace technology and culture in 2020, these changes left almost a third (30%) of those...

Protect the whistle-blowers – they are your business future

Stepping up and blowing the whistle on a corporate issue, ethics or concerning behaviour is a brave, bold move for any employee to take. It requires that someone invests their future into the courage of their...

Staying ahead of cybercrime is a business imperative

It is predicted that there will be 7,5 billion Internet users by 2030 and that more than 111 billion lines of new software code is produced each year. While the growth is exciting, these statistics also outline the...

Opportunities and threats: How will Brexit impact US companies?

Both the US and UK act as a fundamental and reciprocal foundation of economic growth for each other. But how will Brexit change the trade relationship between the two nations? Nick Adams, VP EMEA at Globalization...

Breaking up is hard to do (but sometimes it’s best for everyone)

Tim Bandos, CISO and VP Managed Security Services at Digital Guardian, discusses why breaking up with an existing provider, however painful, can sometimes be the best move for both parties. There comes a time when...

Insurers increase appetite for innovation as industry joins FinTech Pledge

In celebration of UK FinTech Week, Tech Nation, the growth platform for tech companies and leaders, has announced new signatories of the FinTech Pledge. The FinTech Pledge, supported by HM Treasury and developed by...

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